Good morning all. I was curious what folks thought about

Good morning all. I was curious what folks thought about this. Do we drink/drug because we are isolated or do we isolate so we can drink/drug? We get into recovery to learn healthier way to cope than using alcohol/drugs. I would assume most everybody puts a great deal of work into this. What roll does isolation play in our coping, and do we sometimes overlook that? If so does that impede our recovery? Could there be a link between this and things like depression, loneliness, sadness, etc..

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Addiction is the opposite of connection...Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari - YouTube very interesting talk here about addiction and how we have thought about it wrong for a long time. Interesting research is presented also. I would say isolation can make recovery hard, but the company you keep can also have an impact based off whether or not they are supportive.

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Hi Eric, this is interesting. I had not seen this TED talk, however I am familiar with most of the research he speaks of. It makes perfect sense. In my opinion there is no way to tell who will and will not become addicted to drug/alcohol. It is our lived experience that influences risk for addiction. Maybe not limited to only our lived experience but genetically as well. I don't know for sure, because I am not a scientist. It certainly seems possible genetics could play a roll. And I would agree we could find more overall success with treating addiction looking through different lenses. For example; creating solid Recovery Oriented Systems of Care as it relates to holistic, person centered planning. Portugal described in that TED talk would be a good example of this. This is subjective, and sent with all due respect. Have a great day! :v:

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In my case I think the two are isolated from each other.

:grin: great point. I asked these questions because I was never an isolater, a huge part of my early recovery was learning solitude. I use to sit at a rustic state park for hours/years on end absorbing mother nature. It helped with my volatility. Today I appreciate this from the comfort of my porch.:sunglasses:

Hmm can’t get the link to go would love to hear it!

Check this out

It’s very deep and thoughtful

Hi Thom, for Eric's TED talk go to YouTube and punch in forward slash /PY9DcIMGxMs


I would say it is a cycle. I'm alone so I use. Then I am ashamed so I isolate.

I connect most with the newest line of thinking regarding what causes addiction. The theory is that addicts most commonly use to numb one of two things: a sense of social dislocation or a sense of purposelessness. The two commonly go hand in hand and the obsessive traits displayed by most if not all addicts cause a self sabotaging cycle of keeping this feeling alive. In short, both.

Interesting concept. I rarely drank at home. I always drank at a bar. I could put a 12 pack in the fridge and 2 weeks later there would be 11 left lol. But when I went out and drank I could never stop. I always got drunk. That phenomenon if craving would happen. Crazy! So grateful to be sober today. I will say this that in sobriety I need to stay connected, meetings, service work, sponsorship. If I didn't I would go crazy upstairs. Enjoy