Good at being alone but fear of loneliness 🤨

Does anyone else struggle with keeping a balance between alone time and self isolation?

Isolation was a big thing that allowed me to drink to excess without anyone seeing but my whole personality didn’t change. I'm sober but I still feel like I need my time to myself. I just fear I might be putting myself back in a bad situation without more accountability.

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Me. I feel I’m constantly teetering between isolating and just doing my own thing. It’s hard sometimes to tell the difference. I think there are a lot of positive things to be said about taking time alone to reflect and recharge, but if it’s becoming too much of a habit, we might need to check ourselves


Everything is good in moderation, people places and things can be so draining, especially when solitude was your heaven on earth! I don’t call it isolation, I call it rejuvenating and revival. Naps are bomb and I mean you aren’t supporting any other decisions while being alone so I say you’re in the clear!!


I have to force myself to be social sometimes.


Hi , to seek time for yourself is seeking privacy nothing wrong with that we all need time to be alone. Isolation is totally a trigger we reject every social aspect of life. There is a different between be alone and feel lonely. The fear always be there don’t make it as an excuse to be in trouble


Me too

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Yes - same

I guess that's kinda where I feel I am now. I like the idea of a personal check almost kinda of everything to make sure you are doing what you know you need . Thanks :blush:

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Turning the negative into a positive or rejuvenation definitely does put it in a different frame of mind :+1:

I think that is still where I struggle the most with just how to make new friends as an adult.

Very true.

I have struggled with this my whole recovery, and it’s especially an issue now. Especially since the pandemic.

Yes! And I had issues long before but that is when I started to spiral at a severely increased rate just because the only reason I needed to even leave was to go back to the liquor store. I was even switching between two just so it didn't look like I needed to come back every other day

I have always gone drastically from one side to the other. Either out with people allllllll the time, or isolation constantly. I am just sort of starting to find a balance, kind of.. with a little over 2 years clean. Like I said.. I am struggling with it right now.

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I'm sorry you're dealing with it as well. I'm here if you ever need to talk :slightly_smiling_face:

Girl same :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Just broke up with my gf, loneiness is big in my life.
6+ years sober, isolation kills me,I have the need to be alone,but it's insanity..

I've always been a loner but I'm not an introvert. Oxymoronic I know, but I get how ya feel. Being alone isn't always loneliness, but also loneliness isn't always alone. Sometimes you have to make yourself get out there. You can do this

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Thanks for the encouragement Steven :slightly_smiling_face:. I've been told I'm an extroverted introvert :upside_down_face:

Loneliness is the worst!!! I can be surrounded by people and still feel alone , I also still live with my ex. The feelings are still somewhat there and I miss the physical contact like holding each other while watching a movie or whatever. Now she's on the couch and I'm on the loveseat . It's very awkward sometimes . We get along great.....just not in a intimate setting .:pensive: