Going to try to get through the weekend without drinking

Going to try to get through the weekend without drinking. I

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Trying to not drink never works for me. Instead, I focus on what I do want to do, and then do it. This weekend I'll do laundry, buy groceries, cook, clean, go for scenic walks, get new plants, go to 12 step meetings and talk to other addicts in recovery. What will you do this weekend?


I agree with Bryan. Addiction is a habit that needs to be replaced with something. Plan out some fun and productive activities to fill your weekend. And staying social with people in the same mind set really can help. Online meetings or just things like this app can keep you connected.

Remove “Try” from your vocabulary and replace with “Will”.

In my experience the times i TRIED not to drink ended up with me drunk and in some sort of mess mainly because the more you THINK about NOT drinking the more you ACTUALLY think about drinking and that the nature of this tricky disease!!! So just like others have said on here go into this weekend with purpose and keep yourself busy physically not just idling. Prayers are with you for this victory and tap back in to keep us updated family we're all here for you!!! Strength and blessing!!