Going through some stuff and would love some human connection!

Going through some stuff and would love some human connection!


Hey Alexandra, hope your day gets better for ya.

I'm here for you !

I'm here too. Message me if you want to talk.

Hi Alexandra. What's new?

Hi, Kevin! Thank you so much! That helps :heart_eyes_cat:

Hi, Amanda! Finding a new normal after a break up. It’s been hard. How about yourself??

Thank you! How are you today??

If I could figure out how... lol Help!! lol

Well I hope you’re day got better, keep pushing forward

I’m here if you want to talk message me

You're gonna be fine. Give it time.

Hi Alexandra! We are here for you! Message me anytime!

Good Morning :sunrise:

Happy to see you; I'm here if you need to talk.

Brent comments of he sexy and sending your number to people is wildly inappropriate and will result in being banned from the platform.

You’ve got this! It will get better

Break ups are so hard!! But the other posts are right- in time it gets better. We just have to be patient, something that’s very difficult for this addict!

Girl you arent alone! Im in the same boat....you cant wear your crown :crown: with your head tilted down!

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So sorry :disappointed: heartbreak stinks. There are good women in this community with solid sobriety you came to a good place. Saying a prayer for you.