Going off my ADHD med and slept a lot today

Going off my ADHD med and slept a lot today. I feel lazy for sleeping. Hate feeling lazy.

Rob I feel for u. Stay strong

Did you recover from

Is your ADHD med adderall? Are you working with your doctors?

Have you informed your doctor?

The concept of lazy is a shitty western culture conception. It’s ironically lazy that we’ve been fooled into think we have no worth if we want rest. I say sleep is the best thing you can do for yourself- the opposite of lazy.

My doctor took me off cause of positive drug test. I never abused my meds but tested + for cocaine so I really have no basis to fight it. My bed I lay in it.

I’m doing Keto. Eggs are the best

Thank u Tado

Feeling lethargic is normal when coming off add meds.