😭 God help me

:sob: God help me


What's going on?


Praying for you :pray:

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Let God help you, collect some friends get some phone numbers and call, your not alone

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How are you today, Kristina?

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Have you tried any zoom meetings?

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You ok?

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Just wondering how are you doing?

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When I was new I ran to meetings and hung around the old timers, predessors as I was told to stick with the winners. We do recover

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You doing ok? I want you to know I prayed to God to be there with you! I have days like this just about everyday! Just know he is with you! :white_heart::white_heart:

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What’s wrong Kristina?

where to even start. everyone i trusted has wronged me, used me, lied to me. watched me fall on my face and left me there. I have lost everything. I have nothing. i have no one. unfortunalaty it is going to be really really hard to ever trust anyone again. I am being abused mentally and physically by someone i trusted and thought loved me. all of my options are one by one being taken away so that my only choice is to do and live the way my abuser wants. i have been beaten. I fought the fight andd i loose.

If someone is physically abusing you, you must leave that is not acceptable.

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I know

We allow people to mistreat us. When we've had enough we do something about it. Change isn't easy but it's necessary to be safe and happy.


Kristina it is time for you to stand on your feet,,and put your foot down. We get what we tolerate, now do something about it for your sake.

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No, no, no... please leave. The sooner that you get out of that situation the sooner you can start to rebuild your life. It’s never too late!!

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Stay strong, praying for you

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Have you contacted a domestic violence hotline?

Let us know if you're ok :ok_hand:

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