Goals 🔥

What is 1 thing you want to change about your sobriety road? It could be a broken relationship, attend more meetings, become a sponsor?

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My goal is to find things that I actually enjoy doing. I was so focused on "can I get a beer?" At whatever activity I was doing that I wouldn't try new things or find what I REALLY enjoy.

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My goal is to re-establish the relationship that I lost with my daughter due to my drinking.

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I would like to change and working on my reaction to little things that should be ignored

Me, too. Well, I have been working on that. My husband said that I am improving. Telling myself "ah well" in response to those small things have helped me put things in perspective. Try it and see if it works for you. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Know that it can be done. You may experience a long proving season. Your daughter needs you. I'm excited to know that you will be able to re-establish this relationship.

I get it. I'm trying to find more things that interest me, too. I have YouTube and Pinterest to thank. These companies have made me what to try things I never thought about. :rofl::rofl:

Do you like art, cooking???

That's good. I know it may be hard. I'm proud of you for recognizing this.

Lol I will give it a try

I'm the king of future trippin. I feel like I miss out on the moment far too often because I'm worrying about what lies ahead. I can't change the future by worrying g about it anyway