Glad I found this app. Not that new to sobriety

Glad I found this app.
Not that new to sobriety.
I’ve been interested in returning to dating but feeling a bit insecure about having to tell someone I ripped my life apart and had to start from zero, even if I have worked my way out of a significant part of that hole.

Totally reasonable! Through my sober dating experiences, I’ve noticed that the people who have a problem with my past or can’t seem to accept who I used to be, aren’t my people anyway :nail_care:t2: Thank you next :sweat_smile:

The only problem I've had with trying to date sober is they won't respect the fact that I don't want people using around me

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Welcome Tom. That is why we have the dating section. Non sober can often not see past the idea that their social lubricant can cause a problem for some.

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Hi, Tom. Welcome to Loosid.

There's no rush in returning to dating. Do it when you're ready.

I recommend being upfront early in the relationship. That way no feelings are hurt if you or the other person decides it wouldn't work. Nor do you want to be committed to someone who can't look past your past. It doesn't mean that the person is bad- some have deal breakers.

But you can flip your life experience into something positive. Be honest about what happened and show pride in how you turned it around starting with 0.

I’ve met people like that too. They suck lol