Giving Thanks

Last weekend,I got to hug one of the ICU nurses that saved my life during a serious drinking bender as I spent 10 days in the ICU getting my bearings back, after 3 days in acoma on a ventalator. I held her hand tight and looked her in her eyes and told her i have been sober for a little over a year and a half! It seemed to have meant as much to her as it did to me. It felt as if it was a giant step in my recovery, almost as if it was a box to :heavy_check_mark: in order to move on from it!


#blessed! Hugs are great. Stay well!

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What a healing moment. Nice work!

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Awesome work. Small things like that mean so much. You realize the impact we have on each other.

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This makes me so grateful to be alive to read. Wish I could hug the nurses and drs who brought me back to life when I flat lined.

I wanted to share that with you guys because i know some of you have been through that as well and can appreciate what that moment really meant.

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As a nurse I will tell you that it does mean that much to us. I lay in bed at night sometimes with tears pouring down my face thinking about my patients some. Who I don't know their names but I remember their faces wondering what ever became of them. So what you did was huge for both of you.