Giving Back

If you could donate to any organization who would you choose and why?

I’d choose adoption courts processes. Not sure of the actual name. Those who choose to adopt gets brownie points from me. They spend $7500+ to legally become the parent of a child they don’t know. They experience grief, stress, and financial loss.

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I would donate to any organization that gives toys to kids that don't get toys normally.


I love that.

This reminds me of a video that depicted underprivileged kids given two choices: a gift for them or their parent(s). Every kid chose a gift for their parent(s). I wish I could take them all to Disney World.

I have always wanted to have a wood shop where I make toys to give to hospitals.


Go for that goal. You'll change lives.

I volunteer and actively work with HOPE Atlanta which helps find housing for the homeless in and around Metro Atlanta. It's an amazing organization :raised_hands:


I still do this but my Dad used to every year. He liked to give footballs, soccer balls and basketball balls because he said they could go to any age and really didn't require anything else :grinning:

I donate to pediatric brain cancer research. Lost a five yr old fam member to DIPG. A severe brain cancer in kids. There's not enough funding for this type of cancer research! Donate to DIPG cancer research!

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Wow! That's is wonderful Melissa. Homeless needs access to safe housing. I hate when their parks are destroyed.

I'm sorry. :cry:

the trevor project or some other organization that helps at risk LGBTQIA+ ppl

I’m thinking Salvation Army. I worked first call for help when I was younger and they were my go to number for people struggling.

Gosh that's a tough one,cause all AA parties,are self supported.
We pay rent to the Churches,that let's us have a room to meet in..

Preble street organization in Portland Maine dealing with homelessness and drugs addiction, which I am working for

This makes me happy.

St Judes Hospital- they help so many kids who can’t afford the treatment they need

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I am not a super huge fan of donating money to any "organization." However, I do donate quite a bit of my time volunteering at the community center. We donate our gently used cloths to the womens shelter where they can have the items for free. From my experience the best thing I can donate is my time, care and attention and give it to someone else for a while. It's far more valuable in my opinion.

St Jude Hospitals, cause they dont charge for their healthcare.

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Thank you for every kind word you speak you are such an inspiration to me! May you be blessed with a wonderful night and a good day tomorrow!! Thank you

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I donate to Save the Children because my monthly donation of $50 is multiplied to $500. Any donation is multiplied. Plus I get to choose where my money goes.