Give yourself a break!

I took off today. I never take off, but it's really important that I sometimes do. I needed to reset. I always feel guilty when I take a day off bc my mind tries to equate it with laziness, but it's not laziness. It's self care. Give yourself a break.


Good for you! All work and no play is no way to go through life.

Take ALL the days off enjoy the sun the tree and breez. Go biking, get on a boat make a coat. REGULARLY. Screw the American slavery and it’s slave masters. Don’t give yourself to anything! We can make addictions out of everything. & They not gonna put a dollar on your funeral - so don’t get there early for them. Mindset is everything. :green_heart:

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Same!! I took last Monday off for a mental health day. I never miss work and always feel guilty when I miss it, I don't know why. I need more time away from work, lol!!

Awesome! I'm taking Friday off plus Monday is a holiday so 4 day weekend :blush:

Mental health and self-care are important.