Getting sober for my daughter and to keep my career

Hello all. I have been sober for 5 days now, and I guess I did not realize how bad of addiction I have had. Today, I threw up after every meal and felt drunk/tasted alcohol afterwards. I am edgy and exhausted at the same time. If I am not vomiting, I am going to the bathroom all the time. I have increased my water as I want something in my hand. Is this normal?


These sound like bad detox effects. I would definitely call your doctor. Unfortunately detox from alcohol is very dangerous. Please be careful.


Yes like Rich D mentioned also pedialite and Gatorade 50/50 and ice cubes to keep you hydrated and your electrolytes up

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Do this for you and you alone. Taking care of your sobriety is the best thing that you can do for you. The rest career daughter will fall into play.


I guess I did not realize the impact of the withdraws. I actually don’t have a local doctor, but I will call tomorrow to see when I can get into one. I moved last year right before COVID so I guess never got around to that.

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congrats on 5 days! this will pass doll!


Congratulations Sue on your 5 Days! That is Wonderful! Keep connected with those in AA, or another Alcohol/ substance support group! I know it is not easy, and focus on the healthy path, changing lifestyle, & mindset for you to enjoy life! Of course take care of yourself, focus on a healthy diet, and exercise (keep it simple ) ... Always fee free to reach out here! There are a great group of woman, & men that are here to give encouragement, compassion, kindness, patience, empathy, & love!
God Bless

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Detox symptoms should be subsiding by days 5-6. AA has saved my life, but to each their own as long as it works!! And finally, as I heard in my home group (and what started me on the sober path too) you can get sober for someone else, but you have to stay sober for yourself.

Congratulations and keep up the fight. It’ll be worth it truly in short order.

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Congratulations! When you struggle remember that there are millions of us going through this same fight. Our disease is the only disease that tells us that we don’t have a disease and it also tells us that we are alone in it

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Thanks everyone for your kind words. I knew I had to do this for awhile, but just decided that this Friday when I saw the physical impact on my drinking, I just did it. I am struggling to find support in my small town. The earliest appointment I am able to find is 14 days so I am holding strong at this time.

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Unfortunately yes depending on how much you drank, my withdrawal was usually 4 to 5 days of that

Sue, I highly urge you to get a full blood panel done asap. Please focus on the liver and kidney functions. Learn how to read them and check them often until you are sober and they are consistent. Once monthly if your doctor thinks there may be significant damage. Actually, I recommend all of us who have our addictions should start by checking your bloodwork immediately! It may save your life and make a significant difference in your recovery.

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Yes ..and eventually will affect ur eye sight and short term memory loss ..that's been my experience ..but it gets better I promise..

Yes you have a bad Alcohol problem, its easy to down play , but this disease can kill you.i have seen it , its a ugly way to go fast or slow,the depression alone is no walk in the park, very lonley and dysfunctional even if you had a sparkling personality, so don't play with it , find a meeting, grab a sponcer and work those steps, you won't be sorry...