Getting sober again

Hi guys, giving sobriety another go. I was sober for about 2 years up until this last year when I decided to reintroduce alcohol into my life. For a myriad of reasons I’ve decided to cut it back out, and I’m a little scared of having to change my life again.


Change is scary but so much needed and invigorating. Keep choosing sobriety, you will be so much happier.


Welcome back! Here's to your sobriety! :grin:

Thank you!

No reason to fear it, if you think you need it, you need it stay strong

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Changing your life is hard. I think of it as crossing a bridge, better to get comfortable on the side you know you belong on rather than fear crossing and remaining on the problematic side. It gets easier as time goes on


Welcome Back Allie! You’ve made the best decision of the day!! Good job! You’ll be fine. Those two years are stored in your memory. Once you start your new sobriety routine, meetings, steps getting a sponsor it will feel like home again.
Also I do want to add to this, this time around try to add something different you didn’t do in recovery last time. I feel that when we try to add to our previous attempt(s) at sobriety we tend to be more open and honest this time. I can say from experience that my first three attempts at sobriety failed due to lack of a solid program. This time around told myself I’m going to get after it with perseverance, honesty and by the grace of my higher power God. I can say today I’m clean and sober and a grateful recovering addict.
Have a blessed evening filled with love and peace within


Yes, thank you. I didn’t work a program that first time, and that’s probably part of the reason I ended up back where I am now.

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You got this!

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Welcome back Allie. I believe if there’s no change there’s no gain. If you weren’t scared to have to change I would be scared for you. I Still don’t like change. I don’t think anybody likes change. That usually means something bad but it turns out to be the best thing that ever happened. You know what sobriety is like you had it for 2 years. And there’s no shame that you lost it no shame whatsoever. Just working to get back where do you wanna go that’s all it is. And we’re all here to help do that. Because we’re all here for the same reason. You got this.

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Welcome :pray:. Very well. Sounds like you have some homework to do. :wink:

That I do. Luckily from my time spent in the recovery community before, I have many of those people in my life that are close to me and ready and willing to help me take those steps.


By the way, I'm glad to see someone from my area. This app was making me feel like I was the only sober person in Mi. :joy:

That sounds wonderful. Our support group is one the most important parts to our recovery. God is number one! Keep smiling. Emotions come and go it’s how we react or respond to them.

I’m scared to do it as well. If you like someone to confine in, we can help each other!

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Changing your life is scary or at least I believe it can be. But it also can be beautiful and full of magnificent little miracles if we are open to recognize them. Change sometimes can mean growth, sounds a little less scary that way... Best of luck :grin::metal:

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