Getting Closer

1/9 Counceling sessions done.. going to be pricy but atleast I'll be free to travel anywhere in a few more months. Feels better to atleast be further down the road to freedom. Just 3 more months :crossed_fingers::sunglasses:


Amazing! Where will you travel when you can?

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I'm ready to travel again, too.

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Nowhere, just places I normally go like the gym or coffee shops to study for college lol. Can only go to essential places till I get my liscense back. Kind of Limited rn cause of my mistake

Hey, that's good though. Gyms and coffee shops are a necessity. I do some of my best thinking at coffee shops.

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Same, I guess I do better in a busy environment. Gets me in the right mind set to tackle all my work vs at home with a ton of other tempting things I could be doing instead. Eventually want to move south when the times right though. This wisconsin cold is getting old

Ah ok I get it. I miss coffee shops lol

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They are the best. Can never have enough coffee haha

I just had my first espresso of the day :yum:

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Nice! On my second coffee of the day. This vending machine coffee from work just isnt the same though haha. Any favorite blends?