Getting close to my 15th sobriety anniversary In that 1

Getting close to my 15th sobriety anniversary
In that 15 years i had been through a lot , got married, got divorced, my dad died, open and closed a business due to the pandemic, 3 weeks ago i had a fire in my apartment and now living in a hotel yet non of these incidents made me wanna use! If anything, i was able to deal w life in lives terms. I am very grateful that early on I learned that i have no option to ever use again.
I am here if anyone needs support, guidance etc.


Hi Esra! I'm proud of you. It sounds like you are dealing with life sober; and that's important.

I'm sorry for your losses.

Keep striving. Congrats on 15 years.

Being able to deal with life has to be one of the hardest things in my opinion.. especially for me being a control freak.. but congrats on the 15years! That’s a long time. Glad we have people out there like you, welling to be there for the next person that needs you! Awesome!

Good stuff Esra. Dealing stress it's due is admirable.

Congrats on your long term sobriety! It’s inspiring!

Dear Esra.
You are a hero in my book. You are an incredible beautiful person and I wish you a gazillion years of sobriety