Get up. Go to work. Come home. Go to bed

Get up. Go to work. Come home. Go to bed. It is a simple life, why do I complicate it so?


I don't think you complicate it. On the bright side you aren't using nor drinking.

One aspect that's missing is connection. I understand we're unable to connect in person due to COVID-19, but how often do you pick up the phone to reach out to family, friends, or colleagues?

Family only wants to hear from me when they need something, years of working on the road I have lost touch with any friends I had and I don't go drinking with my colleagues. Not sure what there is to do sober here, nothing on the internet. I'm not complaining, just working out acceptance.

What do you do on the road?

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Spent 5 years driving a grain wagon and 15 years as a mobile Heavy Construction Equipment Mechanic. Now I supervise mechanics at the city bus garage.


Lonely.... on the road. And dangerous for a chick :hatching_chick:!
I used to complicate my life too...

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