Geeze.... idk where to start, just downloaded this app after

Geeze.... idk where to start, just downloaded this app after my mother found out about my secret pain med addiction, it’s gotten out of hand and I can’t go a day without or I get terribly sick, I’ve spent so much money and I’m tired of it, I have decreased my usage on my own from about 100mg a day to 30-40, trying to continue to weanwea wmyself off


Weaning off is the best way. Best of luck


Cold turkey can be dangerous. If you need someone to talk to, I do check in daily

Hi I'm John recovering alcoholic and drug addict just wanted you to know that is not only a physical addiction but it's a mental addiction too if you can control the mental part of the addiction you can beat the physical addiction but it'll only work if you want to do it for yourself trying to do it for someone else just never worked for me but when I decided that I was done with the crap that was it like Greg said cold turkey can be dangerous but that's what I did and haven't drink or done drugs in 26 years if you fall off the wagon don't get discouraged get back on that damn thing like you own it it's a difficult Road but you can do it if it's in your heart if you got people around you that aren't supporting you trying to stop the addiction they're not your friends get rid of them to try to have a sober mother's Day for Mom and you too if you're a mother


My experiences has been that I can't do this alone, help & support is here for you.

I feel your pain I was on painkillers also takes a good 2 weeks of sickness or at least that is what it took me

Hell it took me a month I shook so bad I couldn't even write my name but with me it was messing alcohol and that was 26 years ago