Gave in. 😞 So bummed. Back to day zero. Send

Gave in. :disappointed: So bummed. Back to day 0


Day 1 here ... I feel ya ! It’s a very lonely feeling ... I just want to hide in my bed but I can’t with my kids ... It’s a process and you know how important it is to you so don’t look at the number as much as you making positive changes

There's nothing wrong with starting over.a new beginning with knowledge of what didn't work in the past is closer to achieving your goal than you were proud and hold your head up high..change can only come from trying new things and not repeating the same things that didn't work

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It’s ok !! Every time you fall your learning something new.. You got this. Do not beat yourself up. Tomorrow is a new day to try again :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Day one is a new start. Begin your story there.

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