Fresh out of the joint after 5 years. But it

Fresh out of the joint after 5 years. But it was a blessing in disguise because now I’m 5 years clean. Never thought I’d say prison saved my life! Now I’m just trying to rebuild my circle and stay away from all the people that can bring me down! Blessed to be alive. Take it one day at a time people, you can do this. I was a heroin addict for almost a decade. If I can do this, I know all you can!

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Wow, what a story! What plans do you have now that you are able to breath again?

Slowly rebuild and regain my life back and return to the man I was before the needle. I’m currently in a halfway house, so I’m just working the programming they offer here, getting ready to find a job. But once I’m released from here I’m gonna work on giving back and helping others in similar situations as mine

That's inspiring. You can be a great asset to others who need to see your experience and ambition. Stories like yours give me courage to keep moving on. Thank you…

Thanks! That means a lot dude. Just remember, anyone can do it. There’s always support out there for you. Someone will always care and want to help. That’s the coolest thing about recovery.

You are on a journey ! By posting here, you can inspire others that sobriety is possible. I taught life skills/re-entry into society to men on a substance abuse unit at a state jail because there was no after care available at that time. Thanks for sharing ! You rock !

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Thanks for the support Sara B. You rock!