Fresh out of detox had to travel 5 hours to

Fresh out of detox had to travel 5 hours to VA residential program, waiting at hotel for my room to ready. Intake early AM. Detox was smooth, I’ve experienced DTs before and luckily I wasn’t too far gone before I went in

Today however, I’m experiencing intense in anxiety and trembling hands. No desire to drink...:100:

Would so very much appreciate any tips or advice on calming down the intensity of these feelings?

I don’t have the attention span for journaling and reading. Help

I'm not a big journaler... but it does help to write things down. When my anxiety is bad I write down whatever thoughts pop into my head. It helps to get them out and calm me down. Most times they aren't complete sentences. Also try finding a guided meditation that will get you out of your head and focused on something else. Talking with others is also helpful. Hit me up if you need to vent.