Four days sober :) Super nervous. I’ve only

Four days sober :slight_smile: Super nervous. I’ve only told one person that I checked into the hospital for four days. I’m getting discharged today.


Congratulations on four days of sobriety, keep it up one day at a time!


Thanks! Could you please tell me how I put my profile pic up? I thought I did and it only posted on the feed.

Hey Sheri, :clap: morning walks help me take on the day

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I appreciate the advice!

4 days is spectacular!! Hopefully you’ll continue your recovery in a meeting this afternoon.

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Congrats on 4 days!

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Couldn’t agree more. :slight_smile:

You got this!! And you will tell people when your time is right. I didn’t open up until a year in, but a few of my very close friends knew.

I was amazed at all the light and support I got once I did announce my sobriety! By that time I had already eliminated the toxic people in my life, it happens as you work on your life.


Keep up the great work

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I realized I have a lot of friends. I started to plant a garden and my house couldn’t be anymore cleanser than it is in just a matter of days haha. I love your post and that’s exactly what I’m doing and what I know will happen.

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I meant a lot of friends that only want to drink.**

Cleaner* jeez

Congrats on 4 days and seeking help! You’ve made the best decision of your life! Sheri B! Now is the time to shift your focus on you and you only. Getting clean and sober offers a beautiful life ahead.
Keep up the good work. Find an AA meeting. Get some literature. Find a sponsor. Work your program. You got this.



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It's always exciting to see someone deciding to get sober. I agree with Kevin. Meetings. Sponsor. Read the big book. Also, the 12 and 12 was and is extremely helpful to me. Best wishes! :grin:

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Great Job! Got to meetings , as many as you can for advice and to stay focused

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I'm also from Wisconsin. So I understand what a drinking culture we have here!keep up the good work! And try some meetings it really helps to surround yourself with sober ppl that understand what you're dealing with!

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Thank you! Almost a week now. :slight_smile:

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