Forgiveness is a path to freedom

Forgiveness is a path to freedom. I decided years ago I didn't want to be tied to people I hadn't forgiven


I can forgive people no problem, I can't forgive myself.


In the literature it says we did many people great harm but most of all we harmed ourselves. You are people! Not forgiving yourself is like martyrdom! You're human just like everyone else. Besides what does you're holding on to that crap do for you but give you a reservation to drink or use! Really brother? Get all in or face the consequences which may cost you your life.

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You are worth forgiveness. You are holding yourself back because you can't let go of the past. Let go and forgive.


I have been trying, I have tried everything. Thanks guys

As the old proverb says, u forgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die. It is so freeing to forgive.

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Self forgiveness is a hard lesson. We must first learn to accept that humans screw up sometimes and we are human. Start by forgiving yourself of something small. Look in the mirror, and say the words. Seriously. "I forgive you for...." start small and forgive one small thing a day. It sounds silly but it works for some folks.

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Forgiving oneself is the hardest thing ever

Yes but the most healing. You have to realize you are worth it.

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I am working on it it is definitely a struggle for me i can manage forgiving everyone else but truly struggle most with forgiving myself especially for the pain i have caused my children

Time heals all wounds. The big book says a remorseful feeling won't fit the bill. Continued sobriety will speak louder than any words. Also behavior modification on our part is necessary too!