For those thinking about going back out. don't there's nothing

for those thinking about going back out. don't there's nothing out there. I have 2 days now. and this is so hard. I know it will get better. it's just the hardest thing starting over. threw away 6 months. this shot isn't a joke it got just as dark as I left off. I hope this will help someone


Thank you for sharing...reminder to self...we're not alone. :innocent:

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Agreed I just wrecked my jeep for the second time with unaffordable cost and now the family criticizing me more than usual. I’m ready to crawl in a hole and not come back out

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Thank you for sharing. Your post is keeping me on the right track today

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Once we get some recovery the other side gets farther away from home...we find a new home in our fellowship

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I know how you feel. I relapsed a week after my 1 year mark. One night, an uncomfortable situation and a few drinks. Wasn’t worth it. Back on my grind!!

I just went fishing for the first time since I was a teenager without drinking beer. Thought it would be miserable but had a great time. Was very tempted on the drive in to stop and buy some beer but didn't. It's strange how the temptation can be so strong knowing the darkness will happen.