First Major Test

I have been sober for just over a month and my neighbor is having a Clambake tomorrow night and it will be my first real test around others drinking. Any advice on how to avoid the temptations of the alcohol will be appreciated. I am new to the app and look forward to meeting everyone

Hi, Keith. Make sure you go as soon as it starts. That way if you begin to feel overwhelmed with the environment you can leave. You can politely exit because you showed your face. Make a drink non-alcoholic. I love a virgin Bloody Mary--all I do is eliminate the alcohol. Bloody Mary mix is dark and alcohol-free, so you shouldn't have to explain why you aren't drinking, if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

You can also OWN it! Don't be afraid to explain you're not drinking.

Make sure you have your favorite non-alcoholic beverage with you and tell others you're enjoying that.

Don't be afraid. Own it. Be comfortable. You got this.


Hey Keith! Welcome to the app, great question- I was terrified to do anything social in early sobriety- but i made a few sober friends who I could call for support if I needed it. Do you have a sponsor or anyone you can call for help if things get tough? if it’s a neighbor then it’s great you can just go for a little while, if things get uncomfortable you can leave. You don’t have to drink & if you feel comfortable saying you’re not drinking or if someone asks you why- you can just say it’s too early in the day, you’re on a diet, you're taking a break, you’re taking a new medication- it’s a little dishonest but it’s an option. Or if you feel comfortable just say no thank you I’m not drinking anymore.

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Get some phone numbers of friends in recovery, so you can check in with them. Making that connection is critical for US. That way WE don't feel so alone with our disease (addiction). Have fun!!

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How did it go Keith?

I personally think you should not go. 1 month is nothing in the scheme of things.

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It went well! I brought NA Beer and that helped. The temptation to just have 1 set in a couple of times but I didn’t cave as we all know 1 turns into much more. Thanks for all If the advice!


I like Busch N/A… it tastes like a beer & non-alcoholic

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I found a craft beer N/A that tastes like IPA

Keith - when I am at a social event with booze and I am asked, “Would you like something to drink?”, my response is, “No thanks. I've had enough.”


That's great, Keith. I think I may follow suit now that the holiday season is approaching. Which NA brand is your favorite?

It was a local craft brew called Brewdog and it was an N/A IPA. It was pretty good and much better than I Expected. I saw several different varieties so you may want to check your local store and see what they have

Sounds more than risky for only a mo th sober. Is a clam bake really worth the temptation?

I made it through without a drink! The thought popped into my head a time or two but I didn’t cave. I left at a decent hour and brought some NA Beer so that helped.


I am proud of you, Keith!

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I need to try a NA beer.

I'm glad you succeeded, Keith.

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