First day quitting

First day quitting.


How is it coming along so far? You hanging in there?

Awesome. Today’s Day 2. How is it going?

Thank you. Last night was rough.

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Thank you, last night was raft it was hard to sleep and I kept having none nightmares but weird dreams

It will get better. Just takes time. You got this.

I’m glad you made it through the night. Weird dreams and nightmares are extremely common. They’ll eventually pass.

Thank you much guys

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You’re welcome.

I’m doing ok. Hard to sleep last night

First day of the rest of your life. Proud of you for making the change!

proud of you :clap:

Thank you

Amazing! It's always a miracle that anyone becomes willing to work towards sobriety. You got this!


Hi Shawn. Has your sleep pattern improved?

Did ya make it through the weekend?