Finding a passion in strengthening my faith

Finding a passion in strengthening my faith. I realize how neglected my spiritual life was and how easy I had allowed myself to slowly withdraw from my reality and completely lose myself to alcohol. That lack of control is frightening and all I could think of was my son and my goals. How I used to have so many ambitions, was more carefree and positive. I am ready to feel alive again and get back on track.


I, too, had to find a passion in strengthening my faith. Life started to fall into place when I put my faith in my HP. I'm not going back.

Keep striving for ambition, carefree, and positive lifestyle.

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I never feel more alive and more at peace with myself than when I’m feeling spiritually fit and having faith in the universe. It’s not always easy to stay in that mindset but I’m so grateful for it when I’m there

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