After many years of dealing with stomach pain, nausea, ulcers from my addiction.. I finally went to the doctor so I can start to feel better and enjoy my life. It really is crazy how I tried to look past bad health conditions just to be able to get high or drink! I kept myself in pain and misery for years just feeding my body that poison. I can’t wait to not only be able to live my life sober but also not in pain anymore as well. I took so much for granted in those years, My health is the one I regret the most. I thought the drugs/alcohol were keeping me from ending my life, but really they were just leading me down a shortcut to the same result. I am thankful today that I am able to think clearly and take care of myself the way I’m suppose to!
Tia sometimes we need to fall down and bump out head to get up strong and healthy. I hope that made sense. Just my opinion. Glad your here. Do you have sober lady friends?
Unfortunately I do not. My husband has been my only friend through my sobriety.
Hi, Tia. I cried tears of you as I read your post. I am excited to hear you're taking care of your body. I'm glad you're here to tell this story.
Glad you made the decision before it was too late. I had an old friend killed himself by ignoring the pain. He has an ulcer perforated. By the time the hospital actually tried to find out what was wrong, he was too far gone. Never neglect your health. I am glad you have a husband who is on your side. Find a good group to go to. They will help.
I underplayed my drinking and often didn’t even mention it to my doc just so I could keep drinking. Glad you’re well!
Prayers sent for healing