Finally feel sober haven’t picked up since Saturday and have

Finally feel sober haven’t picked up since Saturday and have things scheduled through the weekend and week to keep my Mind busy. Goof luck out there everyone, The grass is way greener on the other side. Love you all, thanks for giving a shit


Great weekend, staying busy seems like it’s working. I’m happy😊

Thanks for your post Ryan.! I am needing to get more busy as part of my recovery, are you find some kind of job to work to fill my time and sleep good at night especially! Thanks for your wisdom.

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Thanks for saying I matter​:pray:t3::+1:

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I been clean and sober since March last year I came a long way didn't have nothing else to give but my life just been clean not blowing my money.i got an apartment a car a scooter nice clothes and a little jewelry my higher power did it I couldn't have done this myself Im so greatful and bless Ryan you so right the grass is greener on the other side hang in there my bro it gets better don't give up before you get yo blessing