Felt the need to write something

Much needed advice. Haven’t been on here in a while. Had almost six months clean. Left the sober house I was living in. Within a week I was at the liquor store. Had a three week really bad binge. It’s happened time after time. I checked myself back into the house and now have two weeks sober and starting from scratch. Sick of the cycle. Need some input.


Hi there! Congrats on the 6 months. That's great progress.

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It's always easier said than done. completed 2 years of not drinking. It was tough at first. I use to binge drink a lot. What helped me was to focus on a higher power. He is the one that gave me the strength. The other thing that helped me was realizing that an addiction has to be replaced for another activity. A new habit has to be formed that takes the place of drinking. It's also an emotional battle. I asked myself why I kept drinking until I found out the real reason. Do you drink to numb yourself? As in numbing your emotions? To forget? To be free? To be fun and happy? To let go? These questions helped me get to the root. Also, learning to rewire the brain as well. Hope this helps. Have a blessed day.


Hey Daniel. It's good that you started over in lieu of giving up completely. The question is: what will you do differently this time? Will you attend meetings, spend more time connecting with sober people?


Keep your chin up Daniel. I always try and remember my last run... I remember PAIN.

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Keep going until it sticks. You’re on the right track.

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Thank you for that

Thanks for the words everyone

We’re here for you.

I’m sick of the cycle too!! I hate waking up hungover, alone and end up sleeping the day away!!! I’m 47 now and the past year has been hitting me with what am I doing where am I headed! I don’t drink couple days out of the week and seems it takes everything to keep occupied so I don’t drink. Made 6 days last week and Friday came and I bought alcohol cause I knew I’d be spending Saturday with my nephew and his girlfriend for Easter, we drank all night yesterday I woke up and was garbage!! I need to hit these meetings every night, but it’s hard I have a dog who’s home all day while I work and I feel terrible leaving her again!! This is definitely difficult and I love reading people time sober I try to use as inspiration


Thanks Anthony

Appreciate it chris. You as well

I am thank you. Tomorrow will be three weeks since my last drink and keeping the right food forward. I appreciate your input and advice.

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Sunday March 21st is my new sobriety date and growing