Felt like crap 😞 Thing’s ain’t working out well being

Felt like crap :disappointed:Thing’s ain’t working out well being a Single Dad :broken_heart::broken_heart: I need someone to talk to :cry:

Hey! What's been going on? As a single mother I can relate to the stress

Living alone for years
watching my kids grow alone with a lady had been the saddest moment of my life ... I lost a room for love in my heart and had lots of obstacles Hailey !!! I just needed someone to be close too ..

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Hey Jimmy, sorry you are having a rough go of it lately. Having a support network is so important. I’m looking to make new friends myself. Feel free to reach out to me if you want to talk. —Matt

I’m a single mom and I understand the struggle. I have 5 months solid soberity and before that was 8 years

I feel you. I’ve been alone and single Ford 4 years. It seems that all the relationships I’ve been in the women just did something to push me away and I let it. I just wanted to do my thing and bar hop and chase woman. Now I’m older and don’t really go out anymore and finding it difficult to stop the drinking being by myself

I’ve been a single dad with full custody for 8 years starting when my youngest was 10 months. I had 2 in diapers while my ex was out partying. You name it, I’ve dealt with it. And I wouldn’t trade any of it.

Keep your head up. Make today the best day it can possibly be. Then repeat again tomorrow.

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All you can do is be the best you that you can. You will make a few mistakes but we all do. Learn to be happy with just you and the kids. Someday someone will walk in and not leave.

Yeah definitely keep your head up! I sure don't identify what it's like to raise kids but I do identify with being single and I absolutely love it!! AA is a major part of my life and I love meetings. It keeps getting better better.