Feeling super low today... I feel like my husband keeps

Feeling super low today... I feel like my husband keeps saying little things to make me feel worse then I already do. See I just got back from a 90 day treatment center.. and I feel like he’s doing little digs to hurt me cause I wasn’t with him and my son. I went to get better for them..


Explain to him that you are working on becoming a better version of yourself, and that version will benefit him as well as everyone around you. Hang in there!

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Thank you :heart:

He is likely resentful because he feels like you abandoned him twice. First for your drug of choice, and then for treatment. He is probably also codependent to some extent and feels like you’re not going to need him anymore.

You can try to reassure him but it will be your actions that win him over.


I agree with Craig. 'Your actions.'

I always have to remember that a better version of me is better for everyone around me. It's always best for me to lead by example. Others will understand only if they are willing.

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Honestly that is very unhealthy behavior on your husbands end.
I am dealing with a similar situation. Sucks but stay true to yourself. Please.

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Gone through this as well. Part of the problem, at least for me, is that before those little digs didn’t impact me because I’d drink to ignore them. Tell him how you feel before it becomes a trigger.

Probably don’t want to hear this but me and the soon to be ex decided to separate. This was one of the reasons

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