Feeling sneaky. Want to run out to 7-11 while

Feeling sneaky. Want to run out to 7-11 while my husband is out and get some wine

Anyone there to talk me out of it?

Hey girl, i hope youre okay. I suggest going to a meeting or getting a sponsor. Sometimes we like to test ourselves, so im glad you reached out to this community. If you did go out, there is always a new day, hour, minute, second in the day or night. Whatever time and tries it takes to become free and independent of substances. I hope youre doing okay, sending good vibes

Sneaky is my middle name, but be strong, you'll regret it tomorrow. If only I had not ran you 7-11 behind my bf back, it would wake up feeling happy and sunshine! But no, woke up hungover too many times. Even the thought of waking up hungover didn't stop me. Think about how you'll feel tomorrow. I wish I had. But now I have this community. Day one!

You're going to need more help than hopping on Loosid and trying to get someone to talk you off the ledge when you're feeling itchy. Meetings. Sponsor. Step work. You might need to go to treatment. But it's practically impossible to quit without a proper support system, and though Loosid is great, it's more of a tool in your toolbox than a support system in itself.

I'm not trying to sound judgmental but it sounds like the stakes are really high for you right now so I have no interest in beating around the bush.

First step I would recommend is hitting as many NA/AA meetings as you can, stay after, find some women you can share your situation with, and start finding some people you actually have physical interaction with who can help guide you and keep you accountable. Good luck


Matt, I tried to find a meeting. I have been to so many different meetings over the years but I am not a big group kind of person. I have tried is there a mini where I live in Northern Virginia. I am in the medical field and at one meeting I ran into a patient of mine! So, I am leery…

How do you feel about virtual meetings? Maybe you can keep your camera off and no one would recognize you.

Well, that’s not a bad idea...

I didn’t do it, and I am so glad I didn’t! No hangover today - how lovely. :grin:


sylvie how are u

Do it. Let me know how it goes.

Good job Sylvia for not caving in! I too like to drink while doing things , it’s a struggle but man is it nice to wake up with no hangover. Not quite 30 days clean yet but this last weekend could have drank, hell wanted to because anxiety so high but grateful I didn’t let my emotions dictate my sobriety and no hangover!


You have spoken well, thanks for writing this masterpiece

You’re too kind! I’m just passing on suggestions that were given to me. But thank you

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Hi Heather. Strong day today. Hoping for this kind of resolve every day

If you have a sobriety chip or 24 hr chip look at it. It reads,
To thine own self be true.
We have to learn to play the scene all the way through. I've been there many times myself. So it'll feel good at first but we will have accomplished nothing and we will be right back where we started. The pain in early sobriety is normal because you're learning how to function one day at a time without picking up a drink. We pick up little tools here and there along the way but it takes a while to learn our new way of life. Remember, we deal with alcohol. Cunning, baffling and Powerful. I had almost 9 years Sylvie. I screwed up in 2011 and it cost me three years out there. It felt great at first but after a while I couldn't believe where I was at. I couldn't understand how I let myself get back into that situation. As I started going to meetings and listening I finally came to the conclusion that what happened to me is I believed the lie; that this time everything would be okay. It wasn't. You need to start getting some phone numbers of women in the program and start going to some meetings whether they be in person or Zoom meetings but don't try to do this by yourself because that is the biggest mistake of all.

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Just because you can doesn’t mean you have to do something. Opportunities will continue to pop up. Keep asking for help when you crave or think of a plan to drink.

Hi Dave. Thanks for sharing some of your experiences with me. You are right. I’ve been lying to myself for decades. Someone else suggested a virtual meeting as well and I’ve been looking them up and plan to attend. Thanks again. I’m going to keep talking because I think it’s helping me, and I’ll let you know


Thanks. I will. The thought of what it’s been like makes me want to cry. I really don’t want to fail. Again

I loved the thrill of sneaking. The way I think didn’t change overnight but it gets better with time and work on my program.