Feeling pretty triggered tonight

Feeling pretty triggered tonight.
My daughters birthday was last week and my mom decided to finally ask about my addiction in front of my daughter.. I told her like
I’ve been wanting to for years. and she responded even worse than I thought she would..

Then when I tried to tell my husband about it, I was a little overly emotional about it and it caused an argument. Tonight when I was a bit enraged I hinted I was
going to drink and he said my drinking wasn’t his problem..
I think our marriage might have just ended.. I understand it’s not HIS fault if I do, but he’s never been one with wording things nicely. I’ve been pretty hesitant to open up to him about my triggers and talking to him about my problem in general for awhile but but this...
and now I just don’t have anyone in my corner and I have no meetings around tonight.

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You are not alone. We at Loosid are here for you! I have a disease of Alcoholism that society does not recognize. I love Loosid ! My family supports me here!! We will support you 100 percent on this site!!!!!

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Thank you!

You are family with us!!!!!

Found ya! I'm in your corner

Get through the rest of the day in small increments say to yourself I’m going to get through the next 5 mins challenge yourself you are more then capable of doing this I know because you made it here peace be upon you

The urge to drink is stemming from flight response syndrome.You want to run from the feeling and emotional stress.Your strong enough to fight the urge and prove to yourself and everyone else.Your personal strength and progress!


We are here for you

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Play the tape all the way to the end. What happens if you have a drink? I don’t know. I don’t know you. But I know me, so I’ll tell you how it works with me.

1 drink is never enough. So I get more. I get drunk. I probably call some people and text some more. Maybe I post some regrettable shit on social media. I drink until I pass out. But I’m not a beginner. I know how shitty I’m going to feel in the morning so I keep a big drink right next to me and drink it when I wake up. That buys me some time but that physical and especially that emotional hangover is in the mail. The guilt. The shame. The feeling of failure. I’ll quickly decide I can’t tell anyone. So there goes the honesty I’ve been working on. Oh and the resentments will come flying. I’ll determine who to blame it all on. After all, I’m the victim in all this. There was nothing else I could do. I had to drink to make myself feel better. Right??

But it doesn’t work. So instead I reach out to my support network. My sponsor. And my friends from this app. A friend helps me. Maybe I help them too. All of a sudden I don’t want to drink anymore. Maybe I’ll even take inventory. I’ll see where my thinking was messed up. I’ll decide to fix it. I’ll ask my hp to lead me. I won’t drink and I won’t suffer alone.

That’s what I do.


Just checking to see how the night ending up turning out hopefully you didn't drink, also its hard for him to understand addiction if he hasn't lived it, here for you in you need support, stay positive =)

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We are all in your corner. Hugs sent

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Hang tough Tia, reach out whenever.

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Totally know how you feel. It is so hard to realize how fucked up you feel and then you drink to feel better but then you do fucked up stuff to the people around you and unless they’ve been there no one gets it. But I get it!!! And it seems this community does too even though I’ve only been here two days.

It’s hard when the people who are around you most don’t understand. But there are those of us that do. Reach out to us. Stay strong.

I’m still sober and today is my one month!

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A month!! That’s outstanding

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Wow Craig very well put. Inspirational! Ty Tia good luck have you got sober lady friends to talk to?

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That’s awesome

Unfortunately no. And thank you Steve!

It’s hard to get support from people that don’t understand the program. Try watching the movie Flight with Denzel Washington

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