Feeling like a Loser. I know my husband who

Feeling like a Loser. I know my husband who uses is about to leave me. I'm so tired of lying to myself.


Don’t do that to yourself. You aren’t a loser.

I lost my girlfriend when I finally made the call to do something about my drinking as I was hiding it from her.

In any case, it hurt terribly, but I didn’t use it as a reason to pick up.

I knew that if I wanted a life of quality, that nothing could come between me and my sobriety.


Ty John. He's quick to point out my faults. I need to love myself

I can guess you choosing sobriety scares him maybe?

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Awesome pics!!

He just thinks I'm weak when he does it and I want to as well.

He does not define your self worth! Period. The only person who can decide your worth is you. Love yourself, be kind and patient to yourself. My husbands relationship with alcohol and the things he did completely broke me but it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Because it was then I learned to love and take care of myself. Even though I wish you no hurt I hope you can use this time to love and build on yourself. You are on a sober journey and that makes you an absolute winner.

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Thank you! I need to start focusing on me. I think I worry about everyone but me. I appreciate your response! I need to absorb your positivity!!!

The best thing I have found is that you cannot pour from an empty cup. If you do not love and take care of yourself, how can you expect yourself to be able to take care of anyone else. Never think of focusing on yourself as selfish because when you take care of yourself you can better be there for those around you. Best of luck!

You're such an amazing person! Ty for really making me think about my worth.

You are not a loser! Misery loves company and if You aren't using anymore to a user You are not the ( right ) type of company. Also don't forget if You are clean and in a relationship with someone else looking at You fighting Your addiction forces them to realize they have the same problems and are unwilling to do a damn thing about it! You are fighting and Your partner isn't. Go ahead and be proud of Yourself You want to fix Yourself for the time being Your husband unfortunately isn't ready or willing to fix himself and deal with his own addictions. When it comes to sobriety You have to put Yourself first even if it seems or sounds selfish. When dealing with the deadly disease of addiction Your first priority is You and no one else. Sounds cruel and when people told me this in treatment I still felt I had to put others first and I really fought against and struggled with the concept but one day it really hit me that what they were saying was right!! You can't fix anyone else especially someone who's not seeking to be fixed on their own but guess what there is someone who wants to be fixed obviously and that's You and it sounds like You are taking the steps to begin the journey!

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100%. I'm ready to live life to the fullest. I want to be the best version of myself that's been lost. I know when I'm healthy I catch myself singing all the time. I write comedy skits & it's been so long since I felt creative & funny. I was really feeling alone until I found this site. I really appreciate your help & advise. It's refreshing to actually communicate without walking on egg shells afraid to say the wrong thing.

Your husband is doing you a big favor. We are your family. You will be very happy soon!!!

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I feel like a looser when someone walks out of my life, but then I am reminded if a quote by Maya Angelou. "When someone shows you who they are. Believe them." It may hurt and may take time but you will heal. Being better sometimes means you have to leave loved ones behind.

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You’re not a loser. Only positive self talk. I use to say a lot of negative things about myself. It’s not healthy. I’m learning to say wonderful things to myself. Helps build confidence

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Ty Edward! I took my power back & it feels so good.

Ty Steven!!!

Day 1 completed & I deserve the peace that comes with Sobriety. Ty!

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Welcome :pray: and wonderful congrats. The longer you stay and work your program peace will follow.

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