Feeling like a failure again Everytime I have to go

Feeling like a failure again Everytime I have to go pee in a cup I cave to my weakness back to day 1 again

Hang in there. Keep trying. Don't give up. One day at a time.

Thank you

Keep looking forward in your life. No need to go backwards. One day this passing storm will be nothing but a memory

Just don’t stop trying. Things will come together. Relapse was definitely part of my journey along with so many others. Stay strong :muscle:

You can’t cave!!! Your worth a whole lot more than that… you didn’t become an addict over night overnight so take it easy getting in to recovery!!! Over time you will be extremely grateful you faught the good fight!! And your quality of life depends on it. You see!

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Thank u I appreciate it I not going to look back :slight_smile:

One day at a time. You're doing great! :blush:

You keep going back out because You Keep On Believing the LIE; That this time everything will be okay. Is it OK?
No. Instead you have more guilt and shame to carry.
We have to learn to play the scene all the way through. You end up right back where you're at right now every time. This is why we have to surround ourselves with people from the program and start hanging out with the kind of people like we want to become.

This is also why it's important to get phone numbers and use them. Yes the phone weighs 1000 lb but our life depends on it. If you keep on doing what you've always done you'll keep on getting what you've always gotten. When you are at that crossroads you have to pick up the phone and talk with someone.

Never give up on yourself! It takes practice, but don't give up on yourself. God never gives up on us; we give up on ourselves.
Hang in there.