Feeling extra grateful lately

Hi! Still here. Still sober.


That last line reminds me of Rancid’s “Last One to Die” ... “We’re still around ...” :call_me_hand:

Nice pic, look at you go... All smiles and refreshed. Hello world!! :grin:

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Nothin left to do but smile, smile, smile!

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I'm glad to hear life's treating you well.

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That's AWESOME! Continue 2b the sunshine :sun_with_face: in every sober sunset!!

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That's great to hear girl!!! You look like sober life is living your best life :v::yellow_heart:

Hi, congrats!

love the kicks

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Nice! 9 years today for me too

Sweet shoes! Still here and sober too. Have a great week!

Keep going! It gets better!

Looks like you have a very positive mind set! Keep it up and stay busy as you are. Makes us all proud :blush:

Good deal!

Thanks for the love everyone

Get it Jesse!