Feeling down today. Unloved, just not enough. Could use some

Feeling down today. Unloved, just not enough. Could use some positivity.


I'm struggling a bit today too. Got up and took a drive with my dog. It helped a little. Is there anything that works for you that helps lift your mood even a little? There's alot of great people here that care. :slight_smile: I care.. if you wanna chat let me know.


When I'm feeling down I do one of the following or not all: play with my cats, call/text my sponsor, take a hot, relaxing bath full of bath salts with candles lit and meditation music, go for a walk, or write.


It's pretty dreary here in PA. Feels like a lazy Sunday. But you are far from unloved. Some days are tougher than others, but you got this. There is a whole community here that cares about you.

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Just based on what you do, helping special needs kids YOU are. GREAST person! Youbhave a huge heart ! Thats very rare these days. Those baby blue eyes don't hurt either :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey! It’s okay and normal to feel down sometimes, even though I know it sucks :sweat: when I’m feeling that way, it helps me to just accept it and remind myself that feelings aren’t facts. These because I’m feeling down, doesn’t mean I’m unlovable, a bad person, etc. everyone has their own tools for turning their mind towards more positivity but what works for me is reciting a positive mantra in my head or out loud - “I am worthy and deserve love” might be a good one :nerd_face: hang in there, this too shall pass


Whenever I feel like shite, I look to find gratitude. It changes my perspective

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Hope things start looking up!! Everyone, recovery or not could use positive vibes!!

Jennifer, you are loved, valued, important, and have a purpose.