Feeling completely defeated under such a huge amount of stress

Feeling completely defeated under such a huge amount of stress and drinking only makes it worse I swear this disease is going to kill me I attend meetings have a sponsor why can’t I just get it

Hang in there, don’t give up, it will come together if you keep trying

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Thank you

Going to meetings never kept me sober. Having a sponsor never did either. People would say don’t drink and go to meetings. I’m an alcoholic because I can’t not drink!

Taking the steps as outlined in the big book and guided by another Alcoholic that has experienced them is what makes a difference for me anyways.

I was on step three tell I released again back to square one seem to struggle to not be in control

Feeling defeat is the best place to start. I was like a boxer getting beat to a pulp in the 3rd round and everyone around me telling me to just quit. I’d go back round after round with a heart and a brain that would tell me one more round and I’m gonna whoop that alcohol this time!! After being defeated enough times I was willing to see that I couldn’t beat alcohol. I started winning when I stopped fighting that idea of me winning, accepted defeat, and began letting a power greater than me work through the fellowship and the steps and the fight has been over ever since.

What you said is exactly me I am a repeated relapsed

Step three is the decision to turn our will and our life over. The action required is the rigorous course in step 4. This is at once! There is no pause and no Amen and the prayer ends at the seventh step prayer with the amen. There may be a lesson in powerlessness here. This is a great opportunity! I relapsed ones after four years. I stopped doing what worked the the insane idea of having just one took hold and I drank again, and again and again for two more years. You don’t have to do that


The audience, and the family and friends that watched me fight for so long eventually left the sidelines and the stands. All that was left was me and alcohol. I had to stop searching for spiritual experience and serenity in a bottle. My solution. For living had quit working and I was beat.

Reading the doctors opinion and relating it to my life helped me to understand the fight, the why, and then to forgive myself for being sick.

I know the feeling. I am starting over on day 1 today. I was an idiot last night. Decided to drink and then drive. Dwi. Thank God nobody was hurt. I go back to meetings tomorrow.

Do you pray a lot ? They keep saying I need to.. my family is so used to me messing up they have done the same

I’m so so scared I’ll end up there I already crashed my car in my driveway

I pray so that I can hear it. Not so that god can. I believe his already knows what I need and I no longer need to tell him. That’s just me running the show again. Staying in the fight. I can pray for god to help me but when he’s given me a clear way out with a fellowship and a book with instructions and I don’t take it, then it’s only a prayer. Faith without works is dead.

I pray so that I can hear it. Not so that god can. I believe his already knows what I need and I no longer need to tell him. That’s just me running the show again. Staying in the fight. I can pray for god to help me but when he’s given me a clear way out with a fellowship and a book with instructions and I don’t take it, then it’s only a prayer. Faith without works is dead. If I prayed to feed the hungry and didn’t feed a hungry person then what good is that.

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I needed to hear that how long are you sober

The seventh will be one year

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Soon, you will have one year!

So very awesome that is so freaking long

Today was once again day one but I did it

See, you are on your way! One day! That’s a long time too! Might even be the longest one