Feeling a bit uneasy and upset my bf didn’t call

Feeling a bit uneasy and upset my bf didn’t call me from treatment for the first time yesterday and I haven’t heard from him yet today. Feeling unsure of his commitment to me. Very anxious and upset.

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May god grant you the serenity you need to accept the things you cannot change.

I know how hard it is to go thru watching someone else’s recovery, but it helps to remember that ultimately it’s theirs, and their success or their failure does not have to drag you down or eat you up inside. Let go of the resentment for your own sake.

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Don’t fret. He’s probably very uncomfortable now and possibly experiencing post acute withdrawal. Im sure he’s thinking about you, but suffering a little too much. You’ve got to be the number one thing on his mind.

Have you heard from him since this post?

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Yes I heard from him things seem to be ok but contact is sporadic