Feel like i might fall back in to my old ways

Feel like i might fall back in to my old ways. I know I'm stronger than this but these last couple days have been hard

Yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn't here yet. That means we only have one day we can control. Don't fall into your old ways just for today. If that's too much, don't fall into your old ways this hour.


Try to find the source of that fear and avoid making it as an excuse to go back

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Times can definitely get hard, but you can get through it! Hope you're feeling better today!

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Thank you for the great advice

When I feel like I'm struggling I go to more meetings. I throw myself harder into AA. I listen to the newcomers. Today I am grateful to be sober! The steps are where it's at :slightly_smiling_face:

Idk zoom meeting aren't helping seems impersonal