Feel like a drink, which I know would lead to

Feel like a drink, which I know would lead to other stuff. And my sponsor never gets back tome

It will pass, I am trying to add to my network so I have other ppl in recovery to call

It’s hard enough for me to call my sponsor much less other ppl...

No one can help you if you don't reach out. And if you have a sponsor who won't get back to you, get another one and also get phone numbers of other people too. Addiction is such that it can't be fought alone.

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Yeah I'm with Matthew. One of the main if not the number one responsibility of a sponsor is to be available night or day. Go to a meeting and get a phone list. I know the phone can feel like a 1,000lbs but once you pick it up that first time it gets so much easier. Drinking or using is never the solution. It sounds to me like you've played the tape all the way to the end. It never ends well. If you can't make a meeting one of the best ways to get through a temptation is exercise. Anything to elevate your heartbeat for 20 min releases all kinds of good dopamine, endorphins and serotonin which as you know makes you happy and you tend to have a better perspective and make healthier choices when you are. Good luck. I'm here if you need to chat. You can do this!

Thanks for the support guys. I just finished with a great international meeting and I'm about to reach out to a local guy for potential sponsorship. Feeling alot better than I was earlier. There's something to be said about being proactive about your own recovery....:v:t6:

Just don't drink today. Tomorrow is a new day. If you don't drink you can't get drunk. Nobody can keep you from drinking. It's your decision. Do you want to continue on living and obsessing over alcohol or do you want to fin a new freedom and a new happiness? Hit a meeting, read the big book, take a hot shower and chill to some music. One day at a time my friend one day at a time ...