Fed up with losing people and things to drugs

Fed up with losing people and things to drugs I'm sorry

It's heartbreaking for sure. I lost my dad, a friend, and some uncles to alcohol. My cousin OD on drugs.

Hang in there.

A lot of lives left us too young. Its very :disappointed_relieved: sad. Stay strong and help those you can.

I understand your grief :broken_heart: I’m sorry for the losses you’ve experienced

You can pull up. One day at a time I’m slowly getting all of it back plus more .

I say give it 6 months or a yesr if you don't like where you at then you can go back to that misery your addiction out there doing pushups i gave myself a chance try it

Sad truth is most of us here have lost so much to addiction. We've lost family by our addiction or theirs. We lost things because of addiction. We all feel the sting of your statement. Pulling for ya man.