Family Feud

I want to help my friend stay in good spirits. Her cousins, brothers, and she were raised by their parents and grandparents to stay close. They've been like this most of their lives.

Over the last 2 years more of her cousins and one of her brothers decided that they don't want anything to do with her without reasons. They've lied on her- no one believes her side.

She's hurting deeply. I'm afraid she might drink. How can I help her? Not just today- but when she encounters this issue in the future.

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It’s hard but your friend needs to let them go. No need to be around people who don’t care for you.

Remember that sometimes those around us aren't going the same direction we are. Its like the bible teaches, how can two walk together unless they agree. I can't get in the car with someone and go to Florida and them go to Alaska. For either of us to travel with the other our destination must be the same. Some of our friends and family won't understand our journey and they will by default refuse to go with is and may even try to keep us from the journey.

Wow that’s really tough. I don’t understand why they would all of a sudden turn on her :broken_heart: I would suggest praying for her & if it’s possible for her to get involved in 12 step groups, or if she likes church, or SMART or something to build a fellowship / a new family. I had no friends didnt talk to my family when I first got sober & I still don’t really talk to any family now bc ive Always been the black sheep but I got to form a completely new family in recovery/ from different jobs I had / friends ive made. she has you and that’s going to make all the difference.

Surely there's more to this story than meets the eye?

Anyway, I think all you can do is be supportive. It's hard to say without knowing more about why this problem occurred. Good luck to you both

I'm no one to give advice but from reading I'd agree to support her as much as possible. Maybe introduce her to some good friends that would support her also? Best of luck to you.