Family doesn’t get it, they’re caring, loving, supportive, but I

Family doesn’t get it, they’re caring, loving, supportive, but seems I only can talk to fellow recovering people


And it pisses me off

My family called me a quitter.

They are jealous and can not understand why I seem happier than they do, hopefully they figure out thier own ism's, not my side of the street🤷‍♂️

One of my friends tells his family that alcoholism is like diabetes and the program is like insulin, people seem to understand that analogy.

I have been sober 26 years and my family is STILL waiting for me to drink ! They actually said that.

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For me I’m rebuilding trust with everyone I lied to or let down. I’m not worried about what my family thinks or says about me. I’m only focusing on my sobriety and doing the next best right thing. The longer I’m sober the more clarity I have, the more I can see how others behave sober or not. Just keep working on you and everything else will fall into place!

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Tom , don't worry about them I totally understand. BUT we're family..

The most powerful thing within recovery is the fellowship amongst all of us. No matter what room or meeting you go to there will be people there who know how you feel and maybe are feeling the same things as you. It can be incredibly frustrating when those close to you don't understand they way we do but that is why it is always important to stick close to people in recovery and make new connections. Don't get discouraged it isn't always easy but you will find welcoming arms and like minded people in the program.

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There are a few people in the world who are not in recovery who understand, and support your recovery. They are able to see how your issue is not different than one they fight on their own. They understand that though they are not addicted to substances they are still addicted to something that is destructive. Once they see their own vice as equal to addiction they understand addiction. Kinda like if I use video games to detach myself from the world and alter my mood to the point I will put everything on hold for gaming. It would be an addiction to me. Understand the parallel and you understand that out struggle is the same. Then we find true empathy.


The principal of addiction is the same no matter the substance or activity. Some carry more stigma than others. Some may be physically more difficult to kick. But they’re all numbing agents used to escape pain.

Quitting is different from getting sober. Dry drunks are worse than drunk drunks. Because they are convinced that their drug of choice is their cure for pain.

Sobriety is life on life’s terms. It’s being present. It’s making the right decisions and being humble. There will always be good days and bad days but sobriety means having the skills to navigate those bad days and move beyond them.

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