Experiences with SMART?

Curious to hear experiences with SMART recovery groups. I tried one virtual meeting a year ago but it was very large and folks were still getting used to Zoom. AA was not a fit so am exploring other options for recovery community. Picture of my frenchie Macaroni attached just because:)


I attend SMART meetings weekly. It's a smaller local one and a very good group. I would think you could find a local group that meets regularly in your area. How did you find the last meeting, through the SMART recovery website?

Thanks for this insight, I think I found it through the main SMART site, but not positive. Glad to know you've found it a helpful approach and community. Is there anything in particular that's resonated with you about the SMART model? Thanks again.

I like their sourdough to recovery. They offer a wide variety of tools to use when dealing with triggers or wrong thinking. It's based on cognitive behavioral therapy which my therapist also uses. You can pick and choose the tools that best fit you. I also use some of the AA approach such as making amends so I'm not really tired to one approach. The SMART handbook is a pretty quick read but really late out the processes available to maintain sobriety.

Thanks so much, this is really helpful! Really appreciate the perspective and insight.

Hi Josh,
I'm going to try SMART recovery groups. I need to stay connected to like-minded people with the same goals.
AA was not a fit for me either. 98% of my life I had to do things on my own. On my own means sans people, not God. My decision to stop alcohol started on my knees; praying for God's direction and strength. When I said this in AA meetings, it was met with hostility. Best,


Thank you, I will definitely try a local meeting. Not sure when Seattle area communities will be returning to in person but will explore the tools on the site. Thanks again.

Thanks for sharing this Nicole, I hope you find the right community that fits your spirit! Have a good day.

Thank you, Josh.