Excited for a summer of music!

First festival of the season today!! West Philly Porch Fest! People jam on their porches all day. I'm gonna wear butterfly wings!

Back in early recovery 7 and 1/2 yrs ago I wasn't sure that I would be able to ever go to concerts and music festivals again. But with the proper support and preparation I can totally enjoy those events sober now. It's actually really cool cuz I now remember all the songs of each set and everything. And I remember cool people I meet.

You can live a really fulfilling life sober. My life is actually way more amazing than when I was using and drinking. It's funny cuz people be like what are you on and I'm just like lol absolutely nothing but joy. I feel so joyful to have gotten sober. Stick to it everyone!


this gave me so much hope to read today thank you💜

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What a fun day this will be for you! Sober concerts are the best. I went to two as the DD and loved how present I was. Yes...every song, every lyric, the air, the energy. I’m hoping to get myself to a place of being on nothing but joy, too.

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Have fun, friend.

Thanks for reminding us sobriety isn't absence of fun.

Love it, have an amazing time!:partying_face:


Glad I could help! Stay strong!

You can do it! One day at a time!!

Thanks! :slight_smile: