
I'm not aware that this is in any AA literature but we have a saying in Alcoholics Anonymous that reads,

The only thing you have to change is everything!

People, places and things.

It's not that people places and things were to blame. They just didn't serve a purpose anymore.
There was a time in my old drinking life where I had a few friends here and there but I found out after I got sober that the only thing we really had in common was drinking and getting drunk. I didn't really get rid of them. They simply stopped hanging around.

I've been in a bar once or twice during my sobriety but I sure wasn't there looking for a good time. Maybe it was a restaurant with a bar there and that was a convenient place for me to park my semi truck at the time. I don't go to bars anymore or any place for that matter that serves alcohol. If I am there you can bet I have a legitimate reason for being there.

I also remember a couple times when I tried to get sober that I didn't like what they had to say about changing everything and so I decided that I would be okay going to a bar from time to time and I would just simply drink soda pop. Been there, done that and I can testify it doesn't work either. You hang around a barbershop sooner or later you're going to get a haircut! LOL

I've known people that got sober and still went to work everyday as a bartender. My hats are off to them. I'm not saying that it can't be done. For me it's just not a lifestyle that I choose.

Another thing that has to change is our habits. Most of us when we start searching for a way to get sober these days we want something for nothing. We want to simply pick up our smart phones and acquire instant sobriety. It doesn't work that way. You have to get physically active. You have to volunteer to show up and make coffee, pick up chairs, sweep floors, bring people to meetings or wherever they need your help at that meeting.

I have a sponsor and I call my sponsor everyday. I have a very, very busy life. I know that picking up the phone is a major inconvenience for most of you. I have a full-time job as a car hauling truck driver. I'm newly and very happily married for just over two years to a woman that is 19 years younger. She has two kids that are 22 and 23. All of that has kept me very busy since they have been here in the US. No matter how busy I am, I'm never too busy to take the time out to call my sponsor.

Making up excuses for why we can't make it to a meeting. How many of us ever made an excuse for why we didn't have time to go pick up our next drink at the liquor store or the bar?

One of my favorite acronyms;

If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always gotten.

If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired maybe it's time to start making some changes in your life.

Great to be sober!

Looking forward to your comments.


Very true. :+1:t2: AA is a very positive group that has helped many. I’m a smart recovery girl myself, mostly, I will be attending some AA meetings in the near future. I didn’t have a very positive experience the times I went in the past, but I think that was more of my mindset than the meetings themselves. I’m willing to give the group another try. :blush:


Those meetings come in all different shapes and sizes. All kinds of different people go to those meetings all over the country. I think the big trick when it comes to going to meetings is keeping it in perspective that you're going there for yourself and that you're going to find all kinds of people with different mentalities. Incidentally I see you're from Lake Jackson Texas. I've been all over this country. I used to live in Amarillo. I ran down to the Houston area quite a bit. I remember getting drunk a few times in Pearland. After meeting someone once i drove and went the wrong way on the highway down there and ended up near Lake Jackson. LOL
At that point I think we decided to sleep in the car lest we got stopped by the police

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You’d be surprised at how much the area has grown. I’m glad you got to sleep it off instead of the alternative!!

The one thing I remember about Pearland was that after a night of dancing and drinking everyone is a sweaty mess. Most of the bars I remember on that strip were open bars which means they were basically outdoor bars because all the doors were kept open and no AC.

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Hey Dave :wave:, you just made me think of something I heard today that relates to our need for instant gratification in this time. We can picture all the change we want in our lives, get ready, plan and prepare but with out action it's just futile. You can buy as many dieting books as you want... that doesn't make a difference if you never open them and cook them. Same thing for many parts of our lives mental, physical and spiritual. I need to be active in my sobriety because no one else is going to do it for me. Living a healthy soberiety is a lot more than not drinking. Thank you for that reminder :pray: .


You're welcome Melissa