
So much that isn't clear right now and a lot of things that seem overwhelming.. I don't know what will come but I just hope I move on to a better life and leave the past behind.. wishing you all the same and pray no one goes through the same troubles I have right now. Lets all stay positive and stick together through the tough spots we face. :slight_smile: If you need a friend I am here. :v:


Thanks Travis I also went through something and feared the worst but now I realize that a lot of the stress came from quitting drinking. Sometimes things seem worse than they are. Good luck with everything.


Anytime man! That's an inspiration knowing that. I hope so, just playing the waiting game for the moment while hoping for the best. Best of wishes to you, have an amazing night :v:


Thanks Travis you have a great night also.


One day at a time is a cliche but it's also true. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Just don't pick up today and it's a win.


I'm here for you, too, @Travis89321. When we don't pickup we're creating a better life already.

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I tell folks life is like a mirror maze. You may get lost along the way for a bit. You may bump in to a few walls. But as long as you keep moving, you will reach the end of the journey and receive the reward.

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Thank you guys for your kind and thoughtful replies, many good points that I will keep in mind. Wishing you all the best! :slight_smile: