Everything is a mess

I want to get sober but its so complicated right now im afraid I won’t be able to handle the mental part of coming down like I know I can’t… I’m so unstable high and even worse when I’m coming down. im not sure what to do i feel Completely lost and its scary I don’t want to use for the rest of my life . I’ve completely lost who I am because of using and my my relationship ..

I hope to God I can one day put the pipe down for good.

I managed to put the needle down now I have to do the same to the pipe if I can stop shooting up which was so much harder to get off of than I can stop hitting the pipe right?


@tamara87216, you can achieve sobriety.

Do you attend NA meetings? If not, I highly recommend them. Meetings are a major aspect of obtaining and staying sober. You may be able to obtain a sponsor, too.

Continue to seek God's help. I strongly believe you can obtain sobriety. Remember to take it 1 day at a time.

We're here for you.


I agree with Amanda, u can get sober! I was an active addict for 16 years, now I have the gift of sobriety. Find meetings, find a sponsor and go all in, can't be half way sober. Find some sober contacts and continue to add more contacts as u go along. If you need help finding your way, reach out to people here to get more info. U got this and were all here for you!!!


Tamara I really understand the desperation and the struggle. I had to start putting myself in better situations, even if at first it was terrifying and I continued to use. Posting here is a good start. Reach out to local help groups they are free and confidential and can be found online . Also as suggested, look for a program of recovery. NA is a good one as it only requires you to have a desire to stop - not stop on day one. That could put you in a good spot with finding others just like you that want that better Life. There are simple solutions - but no easy fixes. It’s gonna be uncomfortable for you whichever way you turn right now. That’s a fact to accept - and probably one you’re used to.

So ask yourself - do you want hard or harder? Those are our choices at first.

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Hey!! First of all thank you for coming on here and sharing about your struggles & getting vulnerable with us! It’s incredible that you stopped using needles I too was IV using heroin & cocaine and was massively addicted and did not know once I quit using IV HOW INCREDIBLY difficult cutting just snorting, smoking, or popping pills was bc it doesn’t FEEL as bad. personally I had to get some outside help. I tried quitting hundreds of times on my own, I’d get 1-3 days and feel so miserable id find a way to get wasted again. I had to get away from all temptations & learn another way to cope. I went to treatment for 30 days & when I got out I lived in a sober living house for a long time & started Working the AA program. putting everything in my life towards my sobriety was the only way I could do it. If you have the option of going to treatment I highly suggest it. There are resources in this app in the Sober Help section & we are all here to support you and answer your questions.


Tamara there is a listing of addiction recovery facilities here in the app. You might look at the telehelp tab. They can help you sort out what steps you need to take to get clean. Remember not everyone has the same path. Yours may lead through rehab. The telehelp can be found by tapping the find treatment tab.

I know exactly what you’re dealing with, for I am going through it too. I’m still on and off with the needle, and it gets really messy. Crystal is by far the hardest drug I have ever tried to stay off of…

I hate the word “stable.” I replaced heroin with Suboxone, vaping medical marijuana has also been a huge help in getting away from syringes and all that dirty paraphernalia. Good luck Tamara! (I wish I never got into drugs).

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Hey message me I can help..Just went through hell..

My life was a mess until sobriety came upon me recently. Fortunately mine was a forced sobriety due to me going to jail. During my time inside I decided that giving my life back to God was the only decision that I could make to ensure I stayed off drugs. Nothing that happened over the past few years or during my stay was in my plans. I had turned completely away from him and devoted my life to doing what I wanted including getting lost in meth. My mental stability was close to zero, I had attempted suicide several times, did countless things i wouldn't have done had i been sober, and was ready to give up on life altogether. Thankful God had a plan far before I was aware of it. While I wasin jail he inspired me to write an inspirational book to help me get through the struggle, i would like to share it with you if you're interested. As hard as things are for you right now I can guarantee one thing, if you take the first step towards recovery and admit you're powerless and give your life back to God, he will help you. The path to recovery is not easy but its doable and in the end you will find that choices, especially those to stay sober will be easier to make. I understand that that first step is hard, but it's well worth it. I have a friend in a similar position and unfortunately she has yet to decide to take the hard step. Be patient with yourself and ask for patience from those around you and don't ever give up on yourself or stop asking for help, it is out there and it will find you when you need it most. I wish you the best of luck in your fight and may God bless your path.

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Hi, Paul. Thanks for sharing your testimony with us.



Hey Tamara: WE are SO grateful that you are here and still alive. I haven't read every single comment in this thread, but I did read yours. I just celebrated 3 years clean this month! If I can do it, then I KNOW THAT YOU CAN. Please try making an online NA meeting in your area? They're free via the Zoom App. You don't have to show your face or speak; you can just listen if you like. You can also connect with other recovering addicts from your area. I certainly didn't get 3 years clean by myself. I had lots of help and still do. I'm praying for you you WE love YOU and need you to keep coming back.


John S

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Sobriety is very difficult in the beginning all of a sudden you have all these feelings and you don't how to deal with them go to an AA or NA meeting and get support I can't stress that enough. raise your hand and let people know you need help they will love you back to health I promise you

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I am here if you want to talk. I was addicted to alcohol and Ambien.

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Live hour by hour, then day by day, then things will get easier. I always forget to breathe when I have relapsed, it really helps! Im 10 days sober and its getting easier every day. Eat healthy, take tons of vitamins, and drink tons of water! Good luck, Prayer going out to you! Stay strong!

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Yes you can definitely put it down. it's very important to get help from your community. There's nothing wrong with asking for help. Thats what its there for. You'll make friends that will share that same common goal. Good luck hun and God bless

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Stay away from.those providing it

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