Everything I constantly think about can't be said outloud

Everything I constantly think about can never be say out loud why? Because all I ever say is the truth. If I say
.. This person does this... Its not me judging you. Its an observation I just saw you do. That thing that if done to you, you would be flipping out chasing that person down like only you have the right to treat yourself and all others like shit also expecting all those people you shit on to cater to your every want and need. All those things that rule your thoughts in order to distract your mind from facing your true issues. Egotistical self hatred cause by being raised in a society that values monetization and not self worth. We are taught how to make money, not how to love ourselves and sustain happiness. Economic advancement for one absolutely means the opposite for someone else.
We are fed this idea to take care of only yourself and your family. While truthfully family winds up being the very venue parents spread their unresolved issues to their kids. With lies and half truths, demanding respect from a life you most likely didnt choose to create but chose to keep and birth to have that same distraction from past trauma.
Or you wanted someone who would be forced to love and rely on you.

Let me say this... I know a lot about other people from knowing a lot about myself. I was raised by my mom, and a man who made my life miserable. He verbally abused me every day and took my self esteem from me. I use to believe I was worthless, lazy, undeserving, a burden, unwanted, friendless, weak, whatever.... I now know that the only reason he did this is because he is a coward who cant admit that he feels these ways about himself and not me. Because of his shitty father who I'm sure was worse to him. That was the main justification anyway. Then i say... Well did you enjoy him being worse to you? No you didnt. Are you crippled daily by anger and fear? Yes you are. Now today you still cant apologize while saying 'i didnt mean to ruin your life!'
But.... Didn't you? This is your revenge. Pay back is the only tradition we have right?
So being in recovery and hearing others stories i now know that all drug addicts pretty much have a similar story.
So....Drug addiction is not a disease. Or really the addiction either.
The disease began generations ago and has been passed to us. The addiction to pain. Because its all we have ever been given!!! Of course we thunk we deserve this pain and probably even think pain is its counterpart. Pleasure. Thats why all our sex preferences are twisted up and mixed with some form of physical abuse. I truly even believe that some forms over homosexuality are do to parent figures either demasculating a boy or a girl abused by a man now needs to proove to herself she can live a lifetime not needing any man. The trauma done to us we often choose to keep perpetuating to ourselves throughout the rest of our lifetime unless we confront the past. Admit to ourselves that even tho yes we were victimized it wasn't our fault. Just because you feel a certain way about anything does not mean you must feel that way forever. When you get angry. It is possible to regain mindfullness and make a positive decision. It is ok to make mistakes. Trial and error is what evolution is. Learning oppurtunities. However. If you are choosing to insanely repeat the same petty bullshit mistakes daily... Then you have surpassed your issues being the fault of anyone else and now you are just a full grown adult acting like an ignorant entitled child who acts like he only cares about himself when in truth. Self is the only person you are constantly abusing and judging and wasting the life that has been gifted to you.
Trust me.. I know these things because yes I have been guilt of them just like everyone else.
So before you get all upset like I'm talking shit on you and only you because like i said...... You you you. Before you think that I am saying that i am better then anyone else just know. I believe we are all equal. But also..... I fucking know im better then the majority of people out there. Why? Because I am willing to speak and defend what i know without anger and confrontation used to intimidate in hopes the other person falls victim to my emotion spread bbecause your a fucking coward pussy who thinks fighting is respectable or helpful or deserved or fun or needed or whatever. You ddont anyway. You kmow youre wrong thats why fighting is used to disrract from the fact that you have no facts or justification on your side.
Plus you get that much needed attention youre starved for because you refuse to show anyone your true self. How can you ever have someones attention when you're hiding right in front of them!!!! Then from tensing your stresses out muscles 24/7 you develope cancer that ttakes you in 2 months because your body uses all of uts energy bracing for an impact that never comes , never reaching a true point of relaxtion or rest as stress is the foundation for all disease and illness

I love how parents tell there kids ‘oh youre so smart!’ Until you get old enough to challenge their views on right and wrong.

I went from smart…. To an insane maniac who has faulse memories of the past.. Who blames all my problems on them, who is the problem and needs to change (because I did drugs therefor I'm wrong and they still wont accept any role or responsibility in their problems now being mine. But sucks for them. Because at least I have the truth on my side. Therefor I can be happy. And they will never be. Which of course effects my happiness. My mom cant see how her choosing to stay in a horrible marraige thats she unhappy in… also makes me unhappy. Shes affraid to be alone even tho she has 2 kids. Shes affraid no one else would want her. And she would need to fear these things, if she wasnt being a stupud fucking idiot making bad decisions, lying, and denying her wrong doings.

When you go into recovery… no one else is coming with you. And you will start to see that drugs were not really the problem because every not doing drugs has the same problems. They just use legal distractions to not change.

Therefor if you are a drug addict. Youre actually lucky. At least you have the ability to be told by everyone else that you have problems. Which you do. Right? Because my dad whos addicted not making others feel shitty and petty pot shots. Noones gonna throw an intervention for him even tho its much much needed. Drug addicts do drugs to be seen as having problems. We want help. We want them to see what they have made of us. In hopes they will finally feel bad enough to confront the truth. But nope. They won't. Not until its too late. Drug addicts are the scapegoats. The punching bags. The youngest. The smallest. The weakest. The easiest to pick on and get away with it. But all these things are done to us before we started the drugs so……

How is the drug use the main issue again?

Even family sending you to rehab is just another way for them to keep you at arns length while they make you think they care about your well being while in truth they more so care about themselves and being able to continue to hide themselves from you and no matter how sober you are and how much better of a person you become. You will never feel as if they are proud of you. Like you are doing what they want now. Like you are a better person. Because they dont think that. They still think about themselves first with that good ol ego of self hatred. So they trick the mind into thinking they are better then you but they really know they arent and they are shitty people who will never accept blame while maling you feel like all is your fault. Thats why they had you as a child!!! To stay their old ignorant pissed off sad fearful selves.

I love my mom. But im sick of the nonsense. No matter how much I love my mom. I cant allow her to riddle my mind with stress from lies and put downs. Then I am truly just living her life for her.